The pain that is my back

My spine is broken. I’m lying flat on my back enjoying the modern convenience that is a wireless laptop. The sad part is that I think this all started from walking around in snow. I’d make a really sucky Inuit-type guy. Now my back feels like it’s on fire, pretty much 24/7. Apparently this puts me in highly esteemed company, or so I’m told. You know who you are, or at least someone who knows who she is knows who you are. In other news, I managed to drag my wounded butt into work for a while today for the joy that is PC refresh, where the Thrust received a new “developer” configuration desktop, which you will note is not a laptop as requested. Check this out – 20 gig hard drive, partitioned to 7. I’ve thrown a fair chunk of my development tools on, and there’s 2 left, which I can easily fill on Monday. Fortunately el Ted is bringing in the magic that is Partition Magic along for the fun filled ride, and nothing but mayhem shall ensue.

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