When I’m really tired and I close my eyes and start to nod off, I get these hallucinations – like I can still see the whole room even though my eyes are closed, and then things start to happen, like people stop by and talk to me, or swamp monsters root through my sock drawer, you know the standard stuff. Everything seems perfectly natural, and then I open my eyes to say something and the room’s empty. Does this happen to anyone else, or is this just an early sign of schizophrenia? Hey, remember how I said I’d migrate the old site stuff over? Remember how I said that on the old site about the old old site stuff? Well, it’s still going… Three new additions to the features section today, all about a year old, but hey, whatever. I’m actually not too proud of some of it, but there were cross links and I’m the king of lazy – remember, broken spine and all. I’ll convert more soon, it’ll be nice to have only one site version to care about.