Many things, no walrus

Thanks to this flash gem that The Haab told me about during a newsletter break, I’ve had the damn theme song in my head for days. You have been warned. I’m torn between that and Y2Khai, also from the enormous one. Well, I found out Saturday that Billy Bragg was in town tonight, but I decided to pay my Visa off instead. Little did I know that he apparently had a free concert yesterday. Argh. Of course, I passed out yesterday after dinner anyway, so it’s a moot point. Quick update for friends and family who I haven’t talked to in many moons – the newsletter is almost done, some minor layout tweaks and we should be shipping it off Monday, and AngelA just got a whole bunch of postcards for the 347 shows she’s doing, which means we really should finish her website. We be publishers. Finally, I should mention for the memoirs that I like my Wu name from this site better than this one. I think that’s the first “your (whatever) name” script I’ve ever run. I’m sadly underwhelmed.

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