I’m going back into Memento-mode. I can’t focus my thoughts on anything for more than thirty seconds, and my brain is trying to compensate by fooling itself into believing that thinking about something is the same as doing something. Oddly, I don’t watch TV.
I used to read a lot of conspiracy theories, but I got out of it when I started to find them on the front page of the paper. I did raise my eyebrows a bit on this one about how much Bush knew about the September 11 attack before it happened. There’s this quote in there: “But the president did not — not — receive information about the use of airplanes as missiles by suicide bombers“. Was that extra “not” for emphasis, or were they trying to create a double negative so they can say they didn’t lie if they ever have to testify? Just being picky. Anal. Whatever.
So yeah, we saw the new Star Wars movie last night, or this morning, the 12:01 show. Wasn’t planned, just happened. My favourite review quote came from a Slashdot comment: “it must be cold on Tatooine“. You’ll understand when you see it. Probably. The movie was long, but they had about three movies of stuff in there, so it needed the length. Most of the film was action oriented, except for some stuff that wasn’t. It’s hard to give a review without giving stuff away, so let me just say that there is kicking of ass, and there is ass getting kicked. It’s a lot of fun, I’m going to see it again, and most importantly, it’s not episode one. We can all relax and cut up Phantom Menace as much as we want now, because there’s an alternative out there. A week ago the faults in Menace were forgivable because it was all we had, but life’s better now, kinda like 1200 baud vs broadband. Oh, the other thing about the new movie (I don’t ever need to refer to the title, it’s just “the new movie”) – it’s not marketed to eight year olds. As much. Sweet.
It’s AngelA’s birthday! Send happy emails to this address. I just finished wrapping everything, and it looks like despite my messed up schedule this past month, I’m going to make it without a lot of IOUs. I hope she likes everything, because if I’m not mistaken I’m clear until Christmas. Phew.