I have a Ph. D. in squat

Why do I still read Slashdot? I’m not sure what’s worse – that they posted the same story two days in a row, that only one person noticed (that I could find), or that that one person’s comment got modded out of existence. I know Slashdot was my inspiration for VP and all, but still…

About a year ago, I took the opportunity to speak to a brewmaster responsible for the Canadian arm of Hoegaarden, and I’m glad I did, because the knowledge that it was vegan comes in handy when you find it available in glasses larger than your head. Ok, we’ve never met, but the glasses were bigger than my head, and that’s pretty big. There may be an important safety warning posted tomorrow morning about drinking things bigger than your head, but I don’t want to spoil the surprise. Shh!

The sad thing is, the threat of an impending hangover makes me nostalgic for the ghost of hangovers past. Life seemed simpler then. Ok, maybe it just seems simpler in hindsight, but that means I might be thinking the same thing about today five years from now, so how complicated is my life gonna get? Sometimes it’s hard not to sell everything and move to Samoa.

On an upward note, for some reason I was searching on Google for “tennis crotch”, and I found this joke. Funny stuff, huh kids? Huh? Yeah, well… yeah.

Still reading? If you’re one of the 2 people from Toronto who read this thing, check out The Golden Dogs. If you’re reading this and there’s still a picture of two drunk people in the image on the left, you should go to the Cameron House on the 3rd of July, find the guy on the left and say “hey man, what’choo got against Magnum PI?”. The key is to not run away afterwards. Stick around for the show and possibly buy a CD along the way. It’s good fun. I’ve had an advance listen to the CD, and while I’m still working on my review blurb right now, rest assured there will be the words “David” and “Hasselhoff” invoked in one or more contexts.

The secret word of the day is E.

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