Well. it’s official – air quality problems caused by oil and gas fired generators aren’t because of honest legitimate power use, it’s because of this – “some pot-growing energy thief next door is toking up all the electricity, causing brownouts and blackouts, driving up electricity prices, and sending the neighbourhood up in smoke“. Actually, the smoke part is a reference to house fires, which is the closest the article gets to addressing air pollution. It does say that Ontario is catching up to BC in pot production though, and “much of it ends up in the United States“. You’re welcome.
Speaking of drugs, I wrote my first .Net application today. I earned my paycheck today writing a front end that queries Slashdot. Yes, I could have written it in just about any other language in a third of the time (in fact I did before deciding to give .Net a try), but I now know just how slow C# is. And just think! I won’t be getting a faster PC for at least 2 years!
Ok, I’ve watched 2 1/2 versions of the same episode of Battle of the Planets, and I’ve got to side with the original Japanese one. G Force (apparently a version of the show put out by Turner or someone in the 80’s) scores high for keeping most of the show intact (I only watched the first bit though), but the names are a bit…questionable. BotP made some changes to the names, but they were pretty minor. G Force gave out names like “Ace Goodheart” and “Dirk Daring”. My favourite so far is “Dr. Brighthead”. Keep in mind this is a guy who calls himself Herman Thrust critiquing names. I’d watch the rest of the episode, but I’m worried I’ll change my name to “Funny Chuckleguy”.
Tonight on Fox: When art melts. And is made of blood. Human blood. 9 pints. That were frozen. But now aren’t. There was a more detailed article, but I can’t find it. It probably melted.
Finally (for now), to make amends for cheating on my Hoegaarden buddy, I bring you, via Fimoculous, a Haruki Murakami short story. Which I haven’t read yet. Let’s race!