You can’t say that here

I didn’t get around to registering for Comdex. oh well.

I didn’t have a fancy videogame system when I was a kid, and sure, I had to make my own fun, but to the best of my recollection, that fun never included such games as “getting hit in the groin with a lemon”. Judging from a conversation I had last night, it’s all the rage these days. I don’t know whether to feel old or lucky. Still, some credit where credit is due, that’s gonna make for a great cranky old person story: “we didn’t have 3D holographic whatzit-o-trons in our day, all we could do for fun was hit each other in the groin with a lemon”. I’m told the parties involved in this new sport are investigating the possibilities of limes now.

Incidentally, I haven’t tried any of the results from the Google search “hit in the groin with a lemon, and I don’t recommend you do either. It’s an interesting assortment though.

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