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Yeah, the trip. AngelA and I went on a mad 36 hour tour of Eastern Ontario, breaking the laws of, well, law as merrily as we pleased. We thought that the Belleville Waterfront Festival would be a rollicking good time, especially since they boasted an ethnic food festival, and hey, we vegans are wacky about the ethnic food. I’ve got to admit, I was a bit skeptical about the deal, because I used to live in Belleville, and I don’t remember much ethnicity going on. Maybe they rent some culture each year, I don’t know. Someday I’ll write stories of the great cultural diversity of my childhood, but not today, because I am writing non-fiction.

Yeah, ethnic festival, lots o’ booths, yeeha, um, ok. Greasy samosas. From Bangladesh, apparently. That was it. The rest of the show was dedicated to uniting people from many lands through a common consumption of animal products. Very sad. On the bright side, the beer selection included Hoegaarden. Alas, I did not partake, as I knew I’d need my wits about me when the cops decided I was driving like a person who does not in fact know how to drive but does anyway.

I just took a break to bid on something on eBay. I just go in, look for something cheap and bid a few bucks. Usually I get outbid, so it’s totally safe, and there’s always the off chance that I’ll actually get something fun. I wish I could do this in stores. I could just walk in and announce loudly, “I’ll give you three American dollars for that gold hat”, and then either someone would say “I’ll pay five American dollars!” and I’d walk away, or I’d get a gold hat! Then when I went to the mall, I’d be known as they guy who got the gold hat for three American dollars. This time it wasn’t a gold hat, but it was a signed Nordiques puck, because I like the Nordiques. The bidding has soared to $3.25, so I had to withdraw and bid instead on something else, which I can’t tell you about because I’m the number one bidder! Number one! Nobody’s taking my gold hat from me!

Reviewing this entry, it’s become clear that I’m not particularly adept at the art of the segue. I thought that separate paragraphs would help matters, but now I’m thinking one big blob of text, perhaps with the columns set to about 3.8 pixels. I’m not too worried about any of this; it’ll all be fixed when we release the director’s cut.

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