Incognita covered the basics of World Youth Day here, and I figure it’s a better backgrounder than I could write, so go ahead, I’ll wait here. Welcome back. Now, picture everything she wrote, and amplify it with the fact that I live downtown amidst all this. I’m still not sure how a “day” can last all week, but maybe they’ll try to play it as some kind of a miracle or something.
I’m just killing time before the news, hoping there’ll be some news about the Pope Squat and the police response. I was just watching Newsworld for the second night in a row. There was a segment yesterday about a guy giving out condoms at one of the events. Some cops asked him to leave because it “wasn’t appropriate”. Believe it or not, I’m not the only one who got annoyed about that. Lots of people wrote and called in, and they did another story about it tonight. There’s something about the police acting on behalf of the church that’s unsettling… There are a ton of cops downtown this week. We’re talking several at most corners. They’ve been on their best behaviour so far, so I’m really curious how the squat will go.
I didn’t see the Pope, but I did see his helicopter flying through the air. I kept saying “popepopepopepope” in a kind of helicopter rotor type rhythm. I think everyone was impressed with my skill. I also sparked a debate. What would happen if the Pope decided to quit? I’m not talking retirement, I’m talking “hey guys, I was getting out of bed this morning, and I got to thinking, there’s a lot more money in the private sector”. Not this Pope, of course, some future hypothetical Pope. Most people said that he couldn’t quit, it was a job for life. Would people just keep following him around everywhere he went? It would be odd.
We also decided that the next Catholic World Youth Day should be held in Belfast, Ireland.
In other news, in order to work the title into the body text (yeah, like they all make sense), you’d think I’d talk about my ankles or something, but I’ve moved on. I’m talking about porn now. Ok, not so much porn as a working in an adult video shop. My job sucks, but I don’t often feel the need to sanitize. I mean, damn, there really are people that broadband can’t help.
Ok, I just saw the 10 second blurb about the squat, and it was basically squat. I did like the fact that the news about a protest for affordable housing was followed by the daily market report though. G’night all.