I think I’m just doomed to spend my life jumping from one crisis to the next, but there’s no actual jumping involved, it’s all just activity at one desk or another. AngelA’s art show finished up yesterday, and it went really well, but then there’s the matter of the 6 or 7 items that had to be taken care of today that, for one reason or another, are all due on or about tomorrow. All in all, it makes for boring television, and my production company will have none of that.
No, I’m talking about something grander than Deadlines with Ninjas, there’s got to be a love interest. Ok, I already have a love interest, so it’ll have to be a tool or something. A talking hammer. It’ll be a platonic relationship with a talking hammer that drives this series further into the ground uncharted realms. Yeah, ninjas too, but these ninjas will wear those back support belts that they wear at Home Depot, to keep the hammer thing going. Or something.
What would it be like if your saliva had sparkles in it? Just wondering.
As my memories of the weekend are mostly shot, and I spent most of today working on rewrites of stories I’ve already talked about in one forum or another, I don’t have a lot to say right now. I’m full of potential ideas, but they haven’t had time to evolve into really bad ideas yet. I’ve got domains purchased, shopping lists written up, but no actual time, which is probably all that’s keeping the planet rotating. If I actually was able to implement all my schemes, oh man, would it ever be cool. For me. You’d be wearing plaid sneakers and chewing carrot greens though, so that might not fulfill all your dreams. As soon as I’m perfectly content, you’re next on my list. Honest.
Pop quiz: name a movie where someone came from the future because you’re the greatest thing around in the year 2050 or whatever, but you need a little help in the present. I’m thinking Bill and Ted and the Terminator movies, but I’m looking for an example of a movie in this genre that sucks. Any suggestions?
I think if time travel became a reality, but people could only go back in time to a time where they wouldn’t get old enough to meet themselves, it’d be nice to have a reminder service. People with nothing to live for in the year 2300 could get paid to go back in time and remind me to pay my property tax bill. Actually, I just remembered to do that without any time traveller’s help, so the business would probably go under, but it’d make for an interesting movie of the week if you could work enough ninjas into it.