One by one

I don’t know if it’s just because we go to a lot of different web sites, but that “auto complete URLs” feature in my browser really isn’t doing its job lately. If I don’t visit a site twice a day, I end up having to type in the whole damned thing. Meanwhile, if I visit one clown porn site, it stays for weeks and weeks. No good.

The thing I like best about debugging code that has modules submitted by a lot of people is that the error is never the work of just one person. Usually there are two or three problems lurking like a bad game of Jenga, and one of them just happens to topple the tower, but any of the others could have just as easily triggered the same problem. One of these days I’m going to walk through a set of modules that work and see if they actually consist of equal and opposite bugs that cancel each other out. Do open source projects have this same problem?

Had a bunch of broccoli for lunch today. Just a whole whack of the florets in a bowl. Everybody who saw it said it looked really good. I usually get “that smells good” comments when I bring a lunch, but folks usually recoil at the sight of my food. I think everyone just felt better seeing the vegan graze. The thought that I could work simple machines to prepare a meatless meal made it seem like too much like something they could do themselves, and hey, people can’t eat like that!

Amusing anecdote about that last paragraph: I was so proud that I knew how to spell broccoli that I couldn’t get my fingers to type it out until the fifth or sixth try. Just to make sure I wasn’t getting ahead of myself, I went to a dictionary site to double check, and it’s not “borccoli” either. See, I can spell it, I just can’t type it.

In other news, I graduated from physiotherapy today. Well, it’s kind of like I entered the work/study program, because I still have to do a whole bunch of exercises and stuff, but they’ve taught me all they can. I wonder what it would cost if I systematically injured every part of my body, piece by piece and had them fix it? Would it be cheaper than a university degree? I figure I’d come out of it knowing more anyway.

I should have plugged The Golden Dogs‘ show tonight at the Reverb, but I feel so darned self conscious about it… Plus I won’t be there. You’ll have to settle for my upcoming personal appearance at the Legendary Horseshoe Tavern on the 19th, where I believe the Golden Dogs will also be playing.

Ok, I’m moving from TV shows to product design. I’m envisioning a roll of underwear that will work like a roll of toilet paper. I could just have an underwear dispenser instead of the top drawer of my dresser (socks would probably work too). More ideas will surely follow, but just not tonight.

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