We can stop all the lies

I was up at 4:30 this morning.

I knew exactly what seitan was.

I ironed a shirt.

I was good to go.

And the bastards cancelled the TV segment.

I’m referring to City TV’s Breakfast Television, where a bunch of us were going to have a mini vegetarian fashion show, a precursor to the big event at the 18th annual Toronto Vegetarian Food Fair. Yes, it’s finally almost here! Anyway, we got there, and they told us that they’d been speaking with our “co-ordinator”, and the segment was cancelled a few days ago. I’ve no idea who they thought they were talking to, and Incognita has a relatively accurate account of the story. All I’m gonna say is that they had someone from the freaking rodeo there the day before. That’s right, in a monumental example of poor planning, TVA has scheduled their fair in direct conflict with a rodeo. S’gonna cut our audience in half.

If this map is at all accurate, there are four unprotected wireless access points in my building, plus my WEP-enabled one. Does that make me more or less vulnerable? The unprotected ones might be easier to get at, but there’s got to be people wondering what I’m trying to hide…

Oh, before I forget, Slashdot‘s running a poll on “Are you a (vegan / vegetarian / carnivore / etc)”, and I’ve got mod privileges right now if anyone wants to add to the discussion…

For people that care about my Sharepoint woes, it turns out that the server we’re running on is still in “pilot” mode. Today’s pilot crashed into a tree, deleting all the users we’d set up. Thankfully, the rest of the data was still there. Today.

In other news, there probably isn’t any other news. I’m keeping my porn searches to a minimum these days, just to avoid the media holiday that’s also known as wartime propaganda. As Zed pointed out, Project Censored has released their latest list of the top 25 stories that didn’t make the mainstream news. Well worth reading.

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