Vocabulary update: I started saying “sexcellent” a while back, but a Google search says that it’s some kind of song, so I’ve since moved on to “soutstanding”, “samazing”, and sometimes even “ssuper”, which is somehow more fun anyway.
Ok, so the new iBooks seem to be out, and of course the feature set is enough to throw my brain for another loop. The majority of stuff that I do at home today is web related, and the Mac works great for that. The trouble is that I’m trying to learn more .Net stuff, since that actually pays the bills, and Macs aren’t quite the right platform for that. My other argument in favour of getting a PC in the house was to play with microcontrollers, which I probably wouldn’t get around to, but in any event it looks like Macs can do that too, a fact that’s sure to burn my brain further. Now, if anyone had some good links on PLD/FPGA development (VHDL, etc) on OS X, that would be “scool”.
Flipping further, I saw Jackass last night. No plot, no reason for existence, but bizarrely funny, and no, I’ve never seen the show. I had to appreciate a movie that 17 year olds aren’t allowed to see just in case they try to do something that was in the movie, especially in light of the fact that the film ratings board doesn’t have a problem with 17 year olds seeing movies involving millions of guns. Huh.