A mail posting (sorry)

I got some mail at the PO Box the other day. It wasn’t for me, and I was lazy, so I just tossed it into a mailbox on the way home. It was back in my mailbox today. This is becoming a fun game. I thought about throwing it back in to see how many cycles I can manage, but there’s a chance that the post office will remember the increasingly damaged envelope and get pissed at me, and I don’t think it’s in my interests to piss off postal workers (I don’t care if they go crazy, I’m just worried that they’ll lose my mail). I was thinking about changing the address to see if I could send it around the country, but it’s one of those mail agreement deals where the address has to be typed on the envelope or something. My mind wandered a bit more before I managed to remind myself that this was technically mail theft (technically mail borrowing, your honour), so I guess I should properly cancel the letter and return it to the sender. Still it got me thinking about stupid mail tricks – check out this study to see what I mean (I like the bit about the bottled water).

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