In my world, the day doesn’t end until I go to bed. It’s still Sunday night, and if I say I’ll have a project done Sunday, it’s technically on time even if I hand it in the following Tuesday, providing that I don’t sleep until then.
The case in point is AngelA’s web site. It’s still a work in progress – the main page is lonely, there’s some scripting to be done for the gallery pages, and a whole whack of content (not the least of which is the resume), but it’s working in recent versions of IE and NS for the Mac, it’s passable for NS 4.7 (complete with “please for the love of crap upgrade your browser” message), and I’ll check out the PC stuff, Opera, etc in the morning. The important part is that there are some photos online, including some A/R stuff, and there’s more to come.
Other than that, not much new, I had a dream that I was supposed to tell everyone how much it sucks in jail, but I don’t remember anything else from the dream, so just trust me on this, it sucks in jail. The MP3 player sucks ass in OS X – songs will rarely play to completion, opting instead to fast forward to the end of the song or simply start playing excerpts from other songs at random. I flipped over to Classic and the download went much better. I’m willing to live with it.
Whew, I just wrote “I’m willing to love with it”. How would that even work?