Yeah, I suck. Here’s a list of things that’ve been dragging me down and why they’re less of a problem now, and then we’ll go on with the show.
Sammy the new used Mac was doing the spinny beach ball thing like crazy. We’re talking hours. Oddly, it wouldn’t recover from screen saver mode either. I was getting to the point where I was going to go back to OS 9.2, but then I realized the problem – dead hard drive. It would (usually) spin up, but after about 5 minutes it would be pretty much dead. Thankfully, my days of bad PC decisions left me with a few spare parts, and I could rebuild. It’s nowhere near the 20 gigs I bought the damned thing with, but it’s enough to get a second Mac running in Casa Del Thrusto. Now if I could just deal with the fatal exception on the Ethernet card…
CSS hurts me, and I keep coming back. I was working on AngelA’s long awaited web site on the weekend, and nothing was working for me. Same old story: I’d finally get something going on one browser, and then I’d try it on another and swear. When I finally got to the Netscape 4.x phase, I wept and spent the rest of the evening lying on the living room floor, staring at the stucco. Tonight I broke down and bought that book co-written by that guy on Glish, mostly because while flipping through it at the store I saw two separate sections explaining why I shouldn’t be doing what I was trying to do. Someday I might actually know what I’m doing.
Work sucks. Hey, look, no upside to that part. Oh well…
Ok, back to the show.
AngelA graduated on Friday. When you’re surrounded by people who could actually put “highly trained photographer” on their business card, it’s a given that your photos will look like crap, even if they’re never put next to the photos taken by the newly graduated professionals, who didn’t take pictures anyway because they were too busy collecting piles of diplomas and awards. Did I get psyched out? Nope, I just figure me and the camera knew we’d be better off clapping and stuff.
Moving on from clapping, there’s a really long story about a comedy taping that I didn’t get around to writing up, but suffice it to say that I don’t know enough jokes. I’m on a crusade to learn a new joke every day, preferably a clean one. They don’t have to be good ones, but damn, I need to upgrade my material. Any submissions would be greatly appreciated.
Finally, I bought some chips today that had an expiry date on them, yeah, great, but they also had an expiry time. This is the coolest thing ever. I don’t have to look at them and try to figure out if they’re best before the date or best until the date, I just know that if there are still some left on the date itself, I’ve got until 11:48 to finish them off for maximum enjoyment.