I spilled raspberry juice on myself this morning at work. The good news is, I was wearing a red shirt. The bad news is, only one drop hit the shirt, and the rest landed on my favourite pants, the pants above all other pants. The good news is, my pants now match my red shirt more than ever before.
A good chunk of this afternoon was spent playing with SharePoint Team Services making what amounts to a development blog. That’s what happens in a Microsoft shop. I think it would have been really funny if we’d gotten Moveable Type in and accidentally set it to ping weblogs.com every time someone coded something… Ok, it wouldn’t have actually worked, but I would have found it funny. Altogether, it seems a whole lot simpler than creating our own system, but I need to see how much it can be extended. Has anyone messed with SharePoint much?
AngelA and I were talking briefly about the chances of Rain Man II being made. I, of course, can’t see it happening without a liberal application of ninjas, or at least an application of liberal ninjas. “Yeah, definietely have to increase spending on social services. Definitely have to work on crane technique. Yeah.” With the way Hollywood is going, I wonder if we’ll see a sequel or a remake first. The remake would be cool if they got Jet Li and Adam Sandler to play brothers.
I’m having a really hard time with this shopping thing. The sales guy helped me out a lot, and I want him to get the commission, but he’s either busy or not there when I show up, and I need to make the purchase soon. This is why online shopping is a good thing – no sense of loyalty required. I can’t talk about what the purchase is going to be, because that would give away all my secret plans that will end up sucking anyway, so for now, pretend it’s bananas. Bananas that require the skilled guidance of a trained sales professional.
Anyway, it’s Friday night and I need to go put on my drinking shoes. Seeya tomorrow.
Oh: if I make a bad dinner, should I put it in the freezer until the technology develops that can save it?