Cor, core!

Many moons have passed without an entry, even longer than intended, as can be seen in the previous entry. Ah, but, well, it’s said that, oh crap, whatever. Just watched The Score, which I liked about half of. The half I didn’t like could’ve used some kung fu or maybe some Godzilla action. You don’t see a lot of Godzilla heist movies. Someone should look into that. Angela also liked half, but it’s not clear what the degree of overhead is right now. I realized a while back that I need to get a media pass. I could get into stuff for free and beat lineups and stuff. Plus I’d get to wear a hat. Maybe none of that’s true, but apparently it’s as good as a spot on the guest list at the Rivoli, and we didn’t have either the other night. What’s wrong with being a media whore? I need to do some coding soon. I haven’t decided if I’ll try to do something new or just steal an idea or two from some other great sites that I’d love to tell you about but can’t because then my theft will be obvious and you’ll either like the theft or not, but there’s not much chance of any Godzilla jumping in for the parts you don’t like. I’m also thinking about the colour green. Is green on a website run by a vegan too much? I upgraded to Mac OS X a few weeks ago, which is finally getting good, but I just entered the “oh crap, no support for my graphics tablet” phase. Which hit around the same time as the “no support for the digital camera” phase. Other than that, things are going well… It seems like I can trace every major computer purchase to a previous computer purchase that necessitated more spending. How the hell did the dot coms fail?

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