Does it comfort you to know you fought the good fight?

AngelA’s out shooting people tonight. She’s a photographer, so I give her the benefit of the doubt, but you never know what crazy turns an “art project” might take. I’m just assuming that she’s shooting with a camera, and by doing so I might be making an ass out of u and ming, as the saying goes. What follows is an account of “how I spent my evening of illusory freedom”.

But wait! Is it wrong to use my website to avoid talking to my girlfriend? I’m not avoiding talking to her, honest! Still, she’s bound to question things a bit when she asks me how my night was and I mutter something about “check the site; it’s all properly documented”. I pay attention, I am attentive, I attend to things, it’s true, it’s verifiable, provable, known to the world, unquestioned. It’s all good, I’m just passing the time until she comes home, is all. Would it be better if I joined a game of pick-up volleyball? Street volleyball? Aussie rules volleyball? I think not. It’s all ok.

Further caution! What if that “shoot” was altogether more sinister than I first thought? What if she arrives home, panting, gasping, “when they come, remember – I was here the whole time”. This entry wouldn’t help things. The alibi’s all but blown. Of course, there’s the pseudonym thing, and the lack of an archive means the whole judicial process would have to take place in 10 days or less. It’s all ok.

So, how I spent my evening, or at least, the important bits.

I consumed alcohol. Duh.

To be more accurate, I’ve just started on a glass of wine, so my horrible grammatical structures and elongated words are just there for effect. I’m just writing this way in an effort to move away from 4 years of lab reports worded in the passive voice. “The alcohol was consumed” and whatnot. Humour me.

See, I just discovered that I have a case of Merlot in my closet. I knew there was a case of wine in there, I just didn’t know what it was. I’m a bit embarrassed about it actually. Merlot strikes me as a really fake wine. It was the first kind of wine that I learned the name of, and I don’t drink enough wine to recognize the different kinds by taste, so it just became the wine I ask for to sound like I know something about wine. “Burgundy”? Duh, that’s a step above asking for “red” if you ask me. “Shiraz”, now that’s a name for a wine. The trouble with shiraz is that by the end of the night it becomes “Shazam”, and your cover’s blown. “Merlot” gets you through the night without looking too dumb.

Of course, I’m drinking alone, so I don’t know who I’m trying to fool exactly. It’s just as well, because the glass is large enough to accommodate several small fish, if one were the type to keep fish in a wine glass, which I am not. The glasses were part of a housewarming gift for the housewarming party that I never had, so one day the box was simply thrust upon me with a grunt. I felt pretty bad about it after opening the box, because with glasses this big you know it’d have been a good party. There could have been llamas pissing on the carpet and it wouldn’t really have mattered.

I really don’t drink that much anymore. I’ve past the point where the now-rare-but-once-common work-party-with-free-drinks was considered a good thing. Free drinks don’t really exist. Plus, I get up at 6 am, and time’s one of those units where there isn’t a metric equivalent, so when I say 6 am you know it’s too early to get up regularly and still drink a whole lot the night before. Some people do it I guess, but they’re probably not as tall as I am. I’m not obscenely tall, by the way. I still buy pants off the rack and stuff. I’m just saying, is all.

So what else did I do tonight? I got a haircut. I once dated a girl who went to those expensive stylist places to get her hair cut. I didn’t really understand the concept, but they’d bring me a coffee and a paper while I was waiting, so it was ok. I don’t go to places like that for my hair – it’s not like I can drink the coffee and read the paper while my own hair is getting cut, so what’s the point? A consistent hairstyle would be one benefit I guess, but my hair’s typically marginal, so each haircut is like buying a lottery ticket for me. It’s different every time, but sometimes it’s like I win, like, 10 bucks. Today wasn’t one of those times. I go to one of those places where you wait your turn and you get whoever’s available. Some people are very good, and sometimes I’ll luck out and have them cut my hair 3 or 4 times in a row. Today was someone new, and I could tell pretty quickly that there would be no beauty created today. Oh well, I own gel. Copious amounts of gel.

The last time I went to buy gel I was shocked to see that the store was out of my brand. I had to walk three whole blocks to the next store, and by then I was in a panic that my gel had been discontinued and I’d have to pick a new container style and colour, so I bought as many as I could. It’s not like it goes bad. It turns out that AngelA had been shopping earlier in the day, and she had bought all the gel from the first store for me. We don’t have to go gel shopping for a while. At least, not for three or four more bad haircuts.

I just poured another half glass. I’m not drinking the whole bottle tonight, but the past two bottles I’ve started-but-not-finished ended up getting poured down the sink, because I never got back to them. Like I said, I don’t drink very often. My goal is to leave enough in the bottle to have a nice big glass with a meal in the near future. It’s a gift to my future self. Time travel in a very small way.

Ok, I’m back. I just posted the evening porn. I swear, if I ever win 304 billion dollars, it’ll become the Evening Porn (yep, capitalized!) and it’ll be delivered to everyone’s doorstep, whether they like it or not. I’ve considered doing a random direct mailing of some kind. I wouldn’t start out with vegan stuff. That would wait until I’d gotten the technique down. Sweet crap, I was just making up a direct mail campaign for a service that doesn’t exist, and it was getting scary, and then it started to turn into a business plan. My brain is trying to subvert me. Still, I deleted the plan. Was I trying to stop the seed from planting in someone’s mind and becoming reality, or was I just protecting my newfound intellectual property? I worry sometimes.

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