Dumb luck

Wow, there’s nothing like crashing at 6:30 in the evening to put a damper on your productivity…

I haven’t found out if it’s a cold or a flu, but there’s definitely something amiss within my Thrusty self. Aside from bad allergy days, I don’t think I’ve been sick all year, and there are parts of it that I like (dizzy spells and the incredible weightless yet really heavy at the same time feeling), but I’m starting to get into the headache and sore throat area, and that’s less fun. If it would just keep into the ratio of drunk to hangover, I’d be prepared to live with it, but I’ve got 3 hours of driving tonight to look forward to, which I guess means I have to lay off of the high alcohol cough syrup. That stuff’s one of the best parts of being sick, I tells ya.

I’ve got to admire bacteria a little. They just don’t give up, even though they always lose, until someday, ideally when I’m in my late 130’s, they’ll dance up and down in final victory. Those kids have spunk.

The invention of the day is based on an earlier idea I had, but I don’t think I’ve shared it before today. You know those shoes with flashing lights in the soles? I think they’re mostly for kid’s shoes. I want proximity sensors built into soles of shoes, so an alarm can go off if your shoes leave the ground for an extended period of time. Sure, you could rationalize that this is a good idea for stopping child abductions, but I’m more interested in what’s in it for me. For example, if I’m falling off of a building, I want to know about it. Also, if I somehow manage to gain the ability to fly, it’d be good if my shoes could let me know as soon as possible so I don’t miss out on the fun. You can send venture capital money in small, unmarked bills to my PO Box.

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