My workplace is surrounded by a bunch of cheap book sales. They’re just tables and tables of books that I guess were overstocked and now are available for my perusal and consumption for discount prices.
I hate these sales. I have no time for reading, and yet I always end up buying more books. Today was no different. What do I need with two more Japanese language guides? I know exactly 2 Japanese phrases – “beer is good” and “where’s the beer”. That’s all anyone should need. Still, collecting language guides is way easier than, I don’t know, actually learning a language… Ah, someday.
It’s also clear that I don’t know English very well. We found one of those birthday astrology books that give the strengths and weaknesses of people born on various dates. I don’t see how that could ever work, but anyway, not only did I have to look up one of my weaknesses (profligate), I even had to look up the word that was in the definition (licentiousness). Once all that was done, I had to figure out how to spell huh. I don’t think I’ve ever considered myself to be wildly extravagant and lacking all sexual restraint, but one of my strengths was that I’m powerful, which sounds cool, so I guess I have to take the good with the bad.
I finally got around to reading the code that our IBM contractor developed. Hmm. Apparently, it’s been a long time since I read proper C++ code (as in “code that goes beyond structures with functions”). I got the hang of things eventually, but I have no doubt that this will spark another round of masochistic development work in a futile attempt to build actual skills. Yep, I’m downloading modules as we speak. Oh crap this is gonna hurt.