You know, even if you call it something cool like Magnum, PI, any drink you invent at the end of the night is going to be pretty bad. That’s about all I can say about last night’s party, because it’s pretty much what I remember. Fortunately, AngelA took many photos, and after much effort, I think I can explain most of them. It’s also worth noting that streetcar drivers are more forgiving of things like getting on the car going in the wrong direction if you have a green umbrella in your hair. The sad part about that adventure is that we had a designated commuter. I’d also like it on record that someone thought I was a rock star. It’s too bad that I wasn’t aware of their misconception, because it made for a really weird conversation. So, as is the tradition after a night of drinking, here are the profuse apologies. Actually, I think I’d remember it if any of you were at the party, so here are some corrections and clarifications from previous blog entries so you can feel like part of the fun. You can pretend I was drunk when I wrote the errors, especially if it makes them funnier.
The Simpsons DVD isn’t disappointing. I had lamented that it was a 3 disc set, so I’d be looking at 4 or 5 episodes per disc, which reduces its effectiveness as a “leave it in the player for white noise” DVD. It turns out there are 6 episodes on disc 1 and 2. It’s good.
People like my money. My eBay transaction is finally proceeding, and my new used Mac is on the way. I even have a Canada Post tracking number, so I can spend hours at work seeing that it’s still sitting in a bin across the country.
My Link-o-Rama is just fine as it is. Maybe. Melinda is cryptic, but that’s journalism for you. Hey, if my boss came up to me and said “don’t do any work on that project”, that’d be ok too.
I can walk and hop and run without pain. Psych. I wish…