I have a job

Ah, the joys of Google News. Consider exhibit A from the Globe and Mail: “When Toula locks eyes on the man of her dreams, a WASP schoolteacher with shoulder-length hair and vegan tastes, all hell breaks loose“. Exhibit B from the Sun-Herald give us “When Toula locks eyes on the man of her dreams, a WASP schoolteacher with shoulder-length hair and vegan tastes, all Hades breaks loose at Chez Portokalos“. The articles are different enough to demonstrate that they’re from different writers, but hmmm…

Also from Google: How to pick a franchise location. In this case, it’s Krispy Kreme, but damn this makes me want to get an Air Miles card and buy weird combinations of stuff. I don’t get this whole Krispy Kreme thing – 241 stories on Google last I checked, and they’re generally about people lining up for the doughnuts. You know, hard hitting business journalism.

AngelA just got an email from someone she knows but rarely gets email from, and it’s an IE “send page by email” thing, which Mac IE seems to have trouble parsing, but it’s some kind of form for some PC-Cillan software. Wouldn’t it be funny if there was a virus that sent out ads for anti-virus software? Of course, that might be what this was, and maybe that will be even funnier. I love Macs.

So you might be wondering where I’ve been. The answer, of course, is Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3. This is actual proof that violent video games are a bad idea. The more I play, the more I want a skateboard. Anyway, I figured new shoes would be a good compromise, and then I found out that Geoff Rowley Vans are non-leather, so that was cool, then I found out that Geoff Rowley is a rather well known skateboarder, then I found out that Geoff Rowley is a character in THPS3. I started a whole new game, and it felt good to know that my videogame player was wearing non-leather shoes. Now if I could just manage to play without my wrists and hands hurting for days afterwards…

As you’ve probably read already, I do some work for the local vegetarian association. One of the things I do is answer a bunch of email, but most of it gets deleted. We get a lot of the Nigerian scam, and for a while it was funny, then it got annoying. I just realized that I should be sending these emails to our director of fundraising. Now it’s funny again.

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