I ran twelve blocks because you wanted a haircut

(well past midnight)
What the hell is knawing??

Possibly not my last entry for the night, but the secret puzzle letter must be posted to prevent anyone from knawing their hands off.

Almost forgot – The Golden Dogs CD release party tonight at the Cameron House! Show starts at 10, and I have not received any confirmation on the Hoegaarden-ness of the event, so you might just want to bring some crack. For the 99% of the people reading who are not in Toronto, you’ve still got 8 hours. There may be a small cover charge, but this is entirely justified as the band has a desire to purchase high intensity lasers and comical hats.

I was going to post this on VP, because it involves spearfishing, but it also involves another fascination of mine, drilling a hole through your head. Ever since that Ghostbusters line (“Egon, this reminds me of the time you tried to drill a hole through your head” “That would have worked if you hadn’t stopped me”), I’ve had this idea that since we only use something like 7% of our brains, there must be a few straight lines on wasted space that could be pierced, possibly with a laser to allow for cauterization. Sure, people mocked me, but my vision persisted, and now I feel a bit vindicated, although my access to head-drilling lasers is still on the sparse side. If only I’d paid more attention during my optics class…

Today’s secret puzzle letter is O.

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