Not working is an awful lot like drinking.
You start with a small dose, and you say to yourself, hey, that was alright, ok one more dose, and then it’s back to work. The next thing you know, hours have passed and nothing has been done. Currently I’m in that weird “coming down” zone where I feel kind of like crap and I’m mixing working with not working. Weird, yet vaguely pleasurable.
I’m not talking about job work. I was busy the whole day. I’m talking about after paying work work. You know, in that timeframe where people relax. I miss relaxing. Tonight’s little bender doesn’t count, because I’m actively relaxing, which requires effort. For the record, I’m supposed to be writing a vegetarian article for a newsletter, but I just discovered that I got the name of a state wrong on a VP article, so I’m a bit shaken right now.
The world of actual work is fun. I have to interview people tomorrow. Folks, this is why I use a name like “Herman Thrust” – I don’t really want some stuff tracked back to me, at least not by prospective employers. It’s pretty astounding what Google knows, but some people just can’t wait to shoot themselves in the foot. Personally, if I was to write up a resume, I’d think a bit about whether or not I want to list a web site among my contact information. Sure, it might demonstrate technical knowledge, but the content might skew perceptions before I had a chance to meet with people and convince them in person that I’m a raving lunatic. Having reviewed several resumes lately, it’s pretty clear that not everyone shares this view, and that’s all I’m going to say on the matter. I am, after all, a professional. Uh-huh.
The closing link of the day is “This “Blog” is for Celine’s fans to chat and share thoughts about a great singer and person. So explore the site, start discussions, and have fun!“. It’s running on SharePoint. There are no discussion items. There are no cool articles. There is one member, and it’s not Celine.