The gym’s been busy this week. I go in the morning before work, and the only reason I can manage to drag my butt in is because it’s around the corner from my home. That makes the number of people that have been there lately surprising, because I’m pretty sure they don’t live with me. I think they need to implement some kind of waiver policy when it’s busy – someone at the door should decide if you need to go in or not. This morning there was a girl on the treadmill in front of me who had visible tendons between her shoulder blades. Not the part by your neck, the stuff in the middle of your back. I didn’t know there were even tendons there, but there aparently are, at least in women, and I didn’t even have my glasses on. People like that reduce the need for medical cadavers – you don’t need to cut them open, just a glance will reveal 90% of human anatomy. Anyway, it was pretty freaky, and halfway through my set she left to be replaced by an unattractive man, so I should revise my “you need to go in” policy to be “I need you to go in”. Yeah.