It’s all about the secrets

Hi, I’m Herman Thrust. You might remember me from such pointless medical procedures as “what’s my iron level at”? Nope, my energy levels are great, it’s just something I told myself I’d get checked one of these days, along with B12. The doctor chuckled when I said I take “the odd pill once in awhile”. No idea what that means. He also said, “I don’t know how you got that. Here’s a prescription though.” Funny man. That last bit was just to see if my mom’s reading. Funny me. Anyway, if I don’t hear anything in the next few days, I’m the picture of health. That or my phone’s been disconnected.

So yeah, I’m back with coverage of my internet travels.

Not only is September 19 talk like a pirate day, it’s also life-threatening allergy day. Ahoy matey, pass me yon peanuts.

Let me get this straight: Washington claims is wants to disarm Iraq. Iraq says ok, come on in and see that we’re disarmed. Washington says that’s not good enough, and insists on getting the UN to grant them “authority to use ‘all appropriate means’ to force Iraq’s disarmament“. This is a country that knowingly destroyed Iraq’s drinking water system last time around. I wonder what “means” might be considered “appropriate” this time around.

While waiting for my server’s DNS to work properly, I had a chance to read George Orwell’s Politics and the English Language. Seeing thoughts like “in our time, political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible“, and realizing that our time was 1948 brings me down a bit…

On a semi-related theme, I love online newspapers, but I wish they’d make a better distinction between news and opinion pieces, if there are actually distinctions anymore. Bits like “Unless council members are out of their minds, they will reject the recommendation and allow the college to proceed” (link) make it clearer, but not until I’ve started reading the damned thing with an impression that there’ll be objective thought. Granted, this article starts off with a decent clue, but still, have mercy on the dim witted such as myself.

It’s been about 62 degrees at work for the past two days. We have these fun employee satisfaction surveys that go out every year, and I’ll have my chance to voice my concerns there, except, oh, wait, every year they drop questions that they don’t score well on, or they change the scoring system so they can boast year over year improvements. I love my job. Just kidding, no I don’t.

Upcoming potential appearances for the Thrust include catching Signs tonight at the Paramount, .moneen. at Tequila Lounge tomorrow night, and The Golden Dogs Thursday at the Horseshoe. I’m unsure of Friday, AngelA has her Industrial Strength opening Saturday (guess I should add that to her web site, um), and Sunday night it’s the world of work for an implementation that our outside partner claims will be ready for testing and verification “sometime between midnight and 7”. Lather, rinse, repeat.

What’s that? The food fair? Yeah, it was fun. I’ll talk about it in October or so.

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