It’s party time, excellent

Poor poor AngelA. She’s only been gone a few days, and I just don’t know if she’ll be able to deal with the intense curriculum that is… Bachelor University.

Today’s lesson is: use technology to simplify your life. If people see a cluttered home, they’ll think less of you. Today I tackled the CD problem that I alluded to in Saturday’s posting. I’ve upgraded my CD storage system to deal with the problems with earlier techniques. My old system was a bunch of sleeves that sat on these trays. You put the CDs in the trays, and then you flip through the sleeves, which take up less space than the jewel boxes. The problems here are primarily that the units don’t stack and you still have a bunch of individual sleeves. My new storage system is stackable, expandable, and the CDs never have to be take out. Yep, it’s a multi CD player. It stores 300 of my favourite CDs.

I’ve just filled it with 241 CDs. This represents just about every CD I’ve ever owned (I decided to leave out the CD of 75 sound effects), and if I average 13 tracks per CD, it’s about double what’s on the iMac, which has a lot of Napster crap on it that shouldn’t count. You have no idea how surreal the random setting can be when applied to a lifetime of music. For example, I just experienced a transition from some soft gentle blues number to the theme song from the movie “Wayne’s World”. I regret selling my MC Hammer CD at a yard sale years ago, otherwise I think my collection would be complete.

I haven’t grouped the CDs at all, although it seems I can, and I might even be able to use a PC keyboard to help with this, if only I knew where I put it. I think it’ll be one of those things where I’ll keep meaning to but never will. Sure, I’ll program a playlist or two for when company comes over, but let’s be honest, I’ll “forget” how the use these lists when the chance arises.

When AngelA first moved here, I had a 25 disc player that was filled with stuff I pretty much enjoyed. One of her earliest comments about me was “I don’t know about this music selection, dude”. She has no idea what she’s in for. There are five Tom Jones CDs in there, ticking like little bombs. That’s about a 1 in 48 chance of mayhem in itself. My week is getting more and more fun.

In other fun adventures, I actually had to buy the Weekly World News this week. The front page says that the world’s fattest twins stole the world’s fattest cat. I haven’t read the actual article yet, but there’s always a chance that Bat Boy had some involvement. The WWN is like The Onion, but some people actually believe it. For the record, they do print true stories. About 10 years ago they ran a piece about body parts being found around my hometown. All true. The last issue I bought was a week by week prediction of how the world would end in 2000. No hits yet.

Damn, my music library sucks.

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