I’d be willing to pay some serious cash to get revenge on whoever put that System of a Down song in my head, except I don’t know who to blame. Like most songs that get in my head, I don’t know the words, so I’ve spent a few hours already muttering “blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah BLAHBLAH!” Most enjoyable.
Speaking of enjoyable, I got to spend a good chunk of last night working on the VP link list. I pretty much always add a link if a site links to VP and tells me about it, but the vast varied world of the internet has necessitated the addition of the VP juvenile filter to the link code. That’s right, I’m listed on a porn directory. Anyway, the first step was migrating the links from a flat file to an actual database. Making a maintenance app didn’t take very long (it’s amazing how many shortcuts I take when it’s something only I will ever see), but entering the 60 or so links was one of those things where doing it by hand would’ve taken about the same amount of time as writing a utility. For some reason I entered them by hand, which was just as well, since I added categories. The next step was a simple matter of visiting each page to see if it was still around (funny, all the Geocities sites are gone), which was a mix of nostalgia (“hey, I forgot about this one!”) and amusement (“when’d I link to THAT?”). After all that, nothing has changed yet – I still have to change the VP source itself, which I’m not looking forward to. The changes are easy enough, I just hate looking at code I wrote a year ago with very little knowledge of Perl. After 6 years in a development job, you’d think I’d have accepted by now that code rarely gets rewritten from scratch. Ah well, it’s nothing a few hundred million in venture capital won’t fix, I was reading a magazine at the doctor’s office that said them “dot coms” are pretty hot.
Last night wasn’t all work. I fired up the PlayStation for a bit of GTA3. Man do I suck. I even used some cheat codes and I still got my ass kicked, and to top it off my thumb is killing me today – not the tip, the part that connects to the wrist. Not a good thing to discover when you have heavy weights suspended above your throat. Does anyone make arcade style PS2 controllers? The grip is causing some serious problems.
On the bright side, I also drank some beer last night, and there’s no sign of repetitive strain injuries there. Hmm, how would one even make ergonomic beer? Is there still venture capital money for that?