Many main events

You know it’s getting busy when it’s been two nights in a row that I’ve had to take advantage of my server being on Pacific time just so I can make the daily deadline for VP. I don’t even know why I have a phone anymore, since it requires someone to be awake on both ends of the wire for it to work effectively…

So, a few quick updates for friends and family who worry, and then we’ll get on with the news of the day. I just got back from helping to hang where the heart is, which looks really good, and I’m not just talking about the meticulous centering of all the frames, the kind of centering that could only be done by someone with training in advanced calculus. The art itself looks cool, so if you’re in Toronto, check it out. Also on the art front, AngelA won the OCAD medal for the printmaking department, which basically means that her work was judged to be at the top of her class for the year. It’s pretty damned cool. The concept, anyway, I haven’t seen the actual medal. She’s in the running for the overall OCAD medal too! Her work had a lot of animal rights themes, hopefully we can get some of it on her as yet undeveloped website soon.

Ok, the real news of the day, the news you can’t live without: some city somewhere is planning on banning backyard wrestling, which is, um, wrestling in your backyard. In a ring. With costumes. Apparently some of the events are broadcast on the internet. I read this somewhere, haven’t verified it, your results may vary. Not my thing. ANYWAY. The fun part is why they’re banning it: it’s not because of injuries or safety or even the town’s reputation as sucky backyard wrestlers. It’s because the poor little suburbanites are offended by the noise. Said one resident: “All we hear is cursing and boom, bam, boom. Where’s the quality of our life?” Poor babies longing for country estates with gated driveways and the closest neighbour 3 miles down the road. Tear down your stupid fences and get to know the people that live near you. Maybe then they’ll invite you to their parties and your lives won’t suck as much. Of course, I’m one to talk, I only know one of my neighbours in my condo. Her name is “Lady with the cats”. I bet if our building had a backyard, and we had a wrestling league, I might actually know her real name — “Unstoppable Lady with the Cats”. She’d lay the smack down, and I’d be all about the training prayers and vitamins.

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