Overread: If You Give A Mouse A Cookie

I sometimes find the time to read “adult” books, by which I don’t mean sexytime, I mean ones with three syllable words, but most of my reading these days is in the “stories for very young children” genre.  And I read a lot of books, but not a lot of individual books.  There’s a financial and space aspect to reading the same book over and over, but mostly it’s because kids have favourites and never ever get tired of them.

So here’s the start of some book reviews.  Not so much the content, use of language, educational value, and so forth as what goes through my head when I’m reading it for the 900th time.  Because as a parent, you’re going to have to consider the impact on your mental wellbeing.

Book number one: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.  From Wikipedia:

[quote]The book is known for its playful, circular pattern. A boy gives a cookie to a mouse. The mouse asks for a glass of milk. He then requests a straw (to drink the milk), a mirror (to avoid a milk mustache), nail scissors (to trim his hair), and a broom (to sweep up). Next he wants to take a nap, to have a story read to him, to draw a picture, and to hang the drawing on the refrigerator. Looking at the refrigerator makes him thirsty, so the mouse asks for a glass of milk. The circle is complete when he wants a cookie to go with it.[/quote]

And all I can think of is that it’s Tea Party propaganda about not helping homeless people, because they’ll just want more.

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