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Rapid fire unrelated thought process! Go!

I feel like I’ve moved to a new level at work. Unfortunately, it might be a downward one. After six years of trying, I managed to perform my first Pointy Haired Boss manoeuvre. I’m not going to go into details, because it’s sad, but I spent a good chunk of the rest of the day working on technical stuff mumbling “I still have useful skills” under my breath to compensate. Tomorrow I’m going to go to work early and, I don’t know, rewrite something from scratch using algorithms from the year 2034, and when other people arrive and gaze in awe at the splendour that is my technological achievement, I will stand proudly atop the cubicle walls and proclaim “BEHOLD! I AM STILL WORTHY OF YOUR CONVERSATIONS!” and they will not roll their eyes in such a dismissive way when they ask me questions, no they will not.

Does anyone know the “Marco Polo” game that people play around the pool? I’ve never played it nor seen it in action, but I thought of a vegetarian version where people call out “Lacto” and “Ovo” that might be funny. AngelA says that instead of that “fish out” thing people could shout “veganveganvegan”.

My hospital drama show idea with the Asian actors speaking with Swedish accents is developing nicely. The show is going to be called ASIAN DOCTORS, because I think it’s important that people notice that the doctors with Swedish accents are not actually actors playing Swedes. That’s a different crossing of boundaries.

I posted my first porn from work today. Dangerous precedents abound, but I’ve finally justified my dumb list of domains.

From the just what I needed department: we’ve been working hard on a bunch of different projects for TVA, and guess what search term shows up in my access logs today? TVA Sucks. Totally out of context, but still a refreshing change from g-a-y d-o-g-s, which has thankfully gone away and will remain among the fallen referrals as long as I keep spelling things properly. Ask me why I don’t have an archive. Ok, it’s because I’m lazy, but still.

One of my co-workers clipped an article out about Kevin Smith’s latest extras casting call and pinned it up on my cubicle wall. She has a wall of her own, so I think she’s just trying to get me to change jobs, but in a nice way. That’s much better than leaving McDonald’s job applications on my desk. Still, I’d be a decent movie star. I saw someone famous on the way to work today. She was standing on a flatbed truck getting wired up for sound. I’ve no idea who she was, but they wouldn’t wire just anybody up for sound, so she must have been famous. Just think, with some persistance and a little luck, some day someone could be walking to work and they’d see me getting wired for sound, and they’d be all, like, hey, famous guy.

It’s looking like I might hold off for a few more days on the computer stuff purchases. This is only partly due to schedule concerns, and is mostly because my credit card billing dates are coming up, and if I wait until they hit, I don’t have to pay for the stuff for a month and a half, which is so fun to do it really doesn’t matter that I actually have the money in the bank.

I’ve got a few more bucks coming to me once I actually fill out the insurance forms for all the physio stuff. I ran today, and I had a twinge or two of pain, but nothing serious, so I’m happy. All in all I’m glad I went through the process, because I learned something really cool: there are muscles in my body that do interesting things, but they don’t get stronger doing those things. I’m working on some weird little things in my legs, and suddenly I can stand on one foot like nobody’s business. I could maintain an acceptable level of balance before, but I’ve never been what one might call graceful. Once the leg stuff is taken care of, I’m going to focus all of my fitness energy on my left pinky finger, because as far as I know I never use that, so it must control bullet proofness or something.

Ok, that’s the score for today. I’m going to try actually relaxing with a book for a bit before bed tonight, seeing as I have three on the go right now and I just bought one more. It’s somehow less relaxing when you feel like there’s a deadline.

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