Itches is better than burns

Whenever something bad happens at my hosting service, the first thing I think of is that it’s something I did. This time it looks like I got lucky, and it was some fileserver or something, but we were down for 12 or 14 hours or something and the restore is from a few days ago, so we’ve lost a few posts and a few comments, and they might return (probably stomping out this post) as the work progresses in the data centre. Who knows. Ironically, the only automated backup I do is for the MySQL databases (except this site, which uses local files), which don’t look like they were affected by the problem. I can’t say for sure, but it looks like I only lost about 20 minutes of source code, which is pretty lucky, and should serve as a nice kick in the pants to get going with CVS and automated backups of the repository. On the weekend. Maybe. I also need to get home insurance, and I’ve been reminding myself of that for months too.

Assuming that this post stays, and kind of speaking of insurance, I’ve developed this weird skin irritation in a non-erotic (well, this is me we’re talking about, so let’s say “less-erotic”) part of my body, and it’s itching like crazy. Is it an allergy? Hives? Flech eating bacteria? I don’t know, but rather than go to the doctor (I’ve already been once this year), of course I decided to use myself as a science lab. After eliminating various foods from my diet with no luck, I’ve gone with the “cover it up with a bandage” approach, in case it’s just staying irritated because it can’t heal. Brilliantly, I decided to shave around the affected patch so the bandages wouldn’t hurt as much when I peel them off. I think that itches even more. As an added bonus, picture what will happen if I break down and go to the doctor:

Doctor: Yep, that’s a weird skin thing you got there. And hey! It’s generated a bald patch!

Me: Um, no, that was me.

Doctor: What, you made the skin thing?

Me: No, I, uh, shaved around it. You know, science.

Doctor: Wouldn’t that make it itch more?

Me: Apparently, yes.

More rants tomorrow, assuming I still have a web host. They do great work, but all it takes is for one member of the team to crack and decide that “fire cleans everything”…

Categorized as HT archives

I do things, I do.

Ok, no entry for a bit, nothing new, I know, but look! I have a semi-valid excuse!

I’ve got to convert a few screens still, and then there’s a whack of functionality that has to be tested out, but the back end is going to be so much more flexible when I’m done. I’m planning on a public beta by the end of the month. Then I’m going to finish my Thrust Labs stuff, and somewhere in the middle I’m going to get some kind of Microsoft certification, for reasons not fully known to me. Hey, if I can get 66% on a practice test after having written one whole control, it shouldn’t be that hard…

Adding to the time management “issue”: we got cable tonight. It’s only 50 cents for the next two months, so I figured I might as well. True to form, we were supposed to get the basic package, and the crack dealers gave us all the channels. Unfortunately the TV is in the same room as the computers, so a laptop of some sort is getting more and more rationalized as we speak.

Categorized as HT archives

Nobody riots after a Riot concert

Guns ‘N’ Roses (they’re back??) cancel a concert in Vancouver, and a riot breaks out. 10 years ago (August 8 1992 to be precise), a riot broke out after a G’N’R and Metallica show was cut short, and that seemed to mark the start of riot season in Canada. Hockey games were the most common catalyst, win or lose. Since then more attention has been paid to anti-globalization activists, but could this be a new renaissance in the art of the protest against not having anything better to do?

My latest movie pitch could work a riot in. It’s going to star John Cusack and Owen Wilson in a martial arts figure skating movie, and there’s going to be a lot of tropical fruit. It will be called Return of Knight Rider IV.

My titles never match the entries anyway

Vocabulary update: I started saying “sexcellent” a while back, but a Google search says that it’s some kind of song, so I’ve since moved on to “soutstanding”, “samazing”, and sometimes even “ssuper”, which is somehow more fun anyway.

Ok, so the new iBooks seem to be out, and of course the feature set is enough to throw my brain for another loop. The majority of stuff that I do at home today is web related, and the Mac works great for that. The trouble is that I’m trying to learn more .Net stuff, since that actually pays the bills, and Macs aren’t quite the right platform for that. My other argument in favour of getting a PC in the house was to play with microcontrollers, which I probably wouldn’t get around to, but in any event it looks like Macs can do that too, a fact that’s sure to burn my brain further. Now, if anyone had some good links on PLD/FPGA development (VHDL, etc) on OS X, that would be “scool”.

Flipping further, I saw Jackass last night. No plot, no reason for existence, but bizarrely funny, and no, I’ve never seen the show. I had to appreciate a movie that 17 year olds aren’t allowed to see just in case they try to do something that was in the movie, especially in light of the fact that the film ratings board doesn’t have a problem with 17 year olds seeing movies involving millions of guns. Huh.

News for the people

Ok, not a lot to talk about today, but doesn’t this say something in itself?

It’s good to see we’ve all got our priorities straight.

My favourite Steve Jobs quote has nothing to do with computers. He’s talking about television, and he points out that broadcasters aren’t treating the public like idiots, they’re feeding them exactly what they want. Bummer, eh?

UNIX lesson of the day

It would appear that setting a crontab entry with an asterisk for the minute field and an 3 in the hour field will cause the command to run once a minute from 3 to 4 am. When the command in question is running a backup routine that emails you a 1 meg file, this is not a Good Thing.

Electric Avenue

After living here for more than two years and doing nothing to the place beyond hanging a few pictures on the walls, I finally broke down this weekend and messed with the electrical system. Specifically, I installed lighting.

The living room light was a last minute replacement from the people who used to live here. They had a fancy light installed that they were taking with them, so my realtor scribbled “to be replaced” in the contract. They didn’t leave me with a bulb hanging on a bare wire, but it was pretty close. Amazingly, I got used to it, even though I had a ceiling fan sitting in the closet waiting to be installed. As part of my latest war on clutter, it went in this weekend.

Do electricians hate me? Four years of electronics training taught me that black was ground and white was positive. Apparently, black is the “hot” colour in home wiring. This is an annoying fact when you’re installing a 20 pound fan that you have to fully hook up before turning the circuit back on. (Yeah, you really do. Don’t turn on a spinning device when it’s connected to the ceiling by dangling wire. Trust me on that one.) Anyway, after we got that all working, the lights were incredibly bright, which is a good thing since the place was a bit dark, but it’s a bit blinding when you’re in the kitchen. We’re still evaluating to see if the whole thing will come down and get replaced or not, but our preferences may not matter because when I went to put the fan blades on, I discovered that it’s a 5 blade fan and I have… four blades. The thing’s been moved around my place for two years, so it’s possible that I’ve got the extra blade hanging around somewhere, but it looks pretty dumb the way it is. On the bright side, it won’t be very hard to put in a new one later if it comes to that now that the learning curve is past.

I also put up a light in the bedroom. There aren’t any junction boxes or whatever they’re called in the bedroom, just a plug with a switch, so I’ve been searching in vain for a decent sized wall light that plugs into the wall. I finally clued in the other week that I could take any old light and just make an electrical cord for it, and that’s what I did. Sure, there were minor complications, like having to drill a hole for the cord to go through. The $5 drill bit said it could go through steel, so what did I need that $10 bit for? I only needed one hole, so I figured I didn’t have to get all brand name-y on the project, but damn, as it turns out I wish I’d gone with the funky rainbow-finish bit. I had to go through a series of holes using every good bit that I had before I could get the big one to do anything at all, and each operation was performed while holding everything much closer to my groin than I would have liked. Everything worked out in the end though. Ok, I don’t know if my power cord is properly polarized (it’s connected to a light bulb, so I don’t think this matters too much), but there’s a switch on the cord, and so far nothing’s burnt down, so hurray for me.

I wish I’d left the home improvements at that. With the bright lights, I was able to notice the stains in the carpet, and that wouldn’t do. I had some harsh carpet stuff from many years ago, so away I went, spot cleaning on my hands and knees, and breathing deeply. The spots are gone, but I didn’t feel so great last night and the place still smells today. I think I’m going back to vinegar and baking soda. Not that I know if that’ll work, since by “going back”, I’m speaking in a “in time” sense, not personally.

Self improvement was also on the menu, so I spent most of yesterday at work studying .Net crap. As it turns out, two of the three murders this weekend were in offices, which I think makes a decent business case for why I need a laptop. And yeah, that’s the second brutal weekend in Toronto since Bowling for Columbine came out. It’s like someone realized that we had a lot of catching up to do or something.

And don’t forget the paperwork either

AngelA’s getting hooked up with my workplace’s benefits plan. To do that, I had to send in a form acknowledging her as my “spouse”.

If any women are reading, please forget all that you think you know about commitment. If a man is willing to call you his spouse, not in the eyes of God or the law, but in the eyes of his job, well, it’s a guy thing, but please try to understand.

Naked midget URLs are forever

I live by the URL autocompletion feature found on most browsers. Before I add an interesting site to my visitation schedule, I have to give serious thought to how much it might conflict with other domains I like that start with the same letter. The “veg” category is pretty much a lost cause, requiring at least “www.veg” to get where I want to go, and sometimes 3 or 4 letters past that. The trouble is, AngelA and I usually end up sharing browser time on the good Mac, which means my fast paths are sometimes led astray. Today my automatic navigation to Davezilla led me instead to David Scopick‘s site, and I’m sure he’s a nice guy, but he really made me wonder what was up with the radical Davezilla redesign before I figured out what had happened. I shrugged it off and realized that AngelA probably has the same thing happen to her all the time. Then I thought about the sites I end up at (um, purely due to research for VP, yeah), and I’m wondering how much trouble I’m in on a day to day basis.