That’s right, it’s, once again your bi-daily source of whatever turns me on. I’ve been working on a lot of projects right now, which means hardly any THPS3, which my wrists are very thankful for. I don’t know if the PS2 controller really doesn’t fit my hands or if I’m just gripping too tight, but I’m pretty sure it’s the controller and not, um, other non-PS2 factors. I’ve done experiments.
Most of the stuff I want to talk about belongs on a different site, one which doesn’t exist yet but is getting closer to reality, so I’ll hold off. Mostly. Ok, just a few dev-related comments. The problem with not coding regularly, for me anyway, isn’t a lack of competence but rather that every time I finish something I want to restructure everything to use a different algorithm or object model. I just haven’t had time to develop a favorite style yet, probably because I’ve been reading more than doing lately. On the bright side, it looks like my whining about not getting enough development work will be stopping soon due to the impending departure of a team member. Yay for both of us.
So today I get up at 6, decide to finish some work from the night before instead of going to the gym, figuring I’ll just go at lunchtime. The strategy for the day is to stay as out of sight as possible, get some decent stuff done and get out of the office for the long weekend. By 10 o’clock I’d killed four people, and the gym will not see me for a while longer. Things just never go well for me on Fridays… And yes, non-Canadians, it’s Thanksgiving weekend here. Apparently it’s earlier here than in the USA because it’s weird celebrating a harvest when you’re shovelling snow off of the driveway. Not that I have to shovel anything in November, but I guess it’s got to be a frozen wasteland somewhere up here, because otherwise the Canadian Tourism Board is lying. As a side “benefit” to the earlier holiday (I guess), we already have Christmas decorations up in some stores.
We’re going away for the weekend, and while “going to the cottage” seems to include bringing a satellite TV decoder, internet access apparently doesn’t fit into the suburban idea of “roughing it”, so in other words, the next update will arrive right on pathetic schedule Monday or Tuesday.
In other news…
I haven’t seen it on Blogdex, but that might be because everything seems to be about the “war” right now. Judging from the response time from the central server, you’ve probably seen this already. “I’ve pissed patterns on snow that look more coherent than this“. I’m going to use that line for my next code review.
The trailer for Bowling for Columbine is up. I don’t have QuickTime loaded up at work, so I haven’t seen it yet, but rest assured I’ll be taking a look later today.
Speaking of doing things at work or home, I just found an interesting link, but I’ll have to check it out further before saying yea or nay. See, it’s got a URL that I just went to before thinking about how it’d look on the company’s access logs. On the bright side, things like that might really free up my time in weeks to come… Consider this a placeholder to remind myself to check back later.
Ok, one more. I’ve been doing some work on a project to bring speech recognition to a system here. I haven’t been doing any of the speech stuff though, and my job would be a lot easier without the project, so I have no problems with sending this link to the project managers. Daily. On the bright side, a friend of mine just got a job where he’ll have to explain to customers why whatever horrible things happen as a result are their problem and not ours. Ok, I’m kidding. Best project ever. Hey, how did you get this URL?