Damn… I fell asleep shortly after coming home from work, and I’ve awoken into the strange and terrible year of 2002. Oh, what wonders I will see…
That means I didn’t get much time to watch my Battle of the Planets DVD. I was explaining BotP to AngelA as the Power Rangers of my Generation, but she thinks I should have called it the Voltron of my generation, because apparently Voltron was the Power Rangers of her generation. I’ve standardized everyone’s childhood on Power Rangers Central Time. Anyway, it’s pretty cool because the disc also includes the original Japanese episodes that the shows were based on so we can see just how much the producers wanted to avoid the concept of anyone getting hurt. I guess seeing someone fall 3 stories and bouncing out of the bottom of an aircraft was considered too extreme for 1970’s cartoons. Possibly because the characters weren’t cartoon animals. I’m not a big anime fan; I just like reliving my childhood. I use that same excuse with my boss when I fart in meetings.
I’m still not sure if I messed up the secret puzzle letters, so hopefully they make as much sense as anything else on this site. If I did it correctly, I think today’s is the last one for a few entries. If you’ve been tuning in just for your daily fix, you can safely take a vacation.
See y’all tomorrow.
All I’m going to say about last night’s show is that Dave Azzolini is clearly a man who yearns for the smell of burnt toast. Oh yeah, and that I had an awesome time.
I found this link in a Slashdot discussion, and it’s a great collection of science literature, including a ton of computer science papers. It’s a nice change to read actual theory instead of technology cookbooks that don’t cover the areas I need to get projects done. Of course, I still can’t find enough telephony info, but it’s a start…
Today’s secret puzzle letter is B.