
Of course, with all these new hours I’ve found in the day, you’d think others would concede to my grand vision. But NOOOO… The next bug was found at around 3pm, and involved painful geometry. Got it working in an hour or so though. I’m actually feeling pretty good, I wasn’t nodding off at all today.

I found this a few minutes ago while I was looking for something completely different. Yeah, it’s from my site, but it made me laugh. The joy of test data…


A brief summary of the past 16 hours:

3:00pm: Project isn’t going well. Serious time must be spent, but it’s still doable.
4:00pm: Call AngelA to cancel TVA for tonight. Hey, I might even get home before she does!
7:00pm: Ok, the initial tests are working out, I’m looking at a 10pm exit.
9:55pm: Looking good…oh. The system won’t work with frames. At all. Crap. Why didn’t I ever try it with frames? Ok, midnight. I’ll be home before it becomes tomorrow.
11:30pm: I hate COM, I hate DOM, I hate documentation, I hate my time management skills. Revised exit plan: 3am.
2:30am: Finally manage to walk through a document object. Do I just suck, or am I just really really tired? In my favour, the algorithm didn’t need changing, I just didn’t have a clue how to get the objects I needed.
3:00am: Oh yeah, the 3am exit plan…right… I exit for snacks from the 24hr store up the street. Date squares and brownies, baby. Date squares and brownies.
4:00am: Wow, it doesn’t feel at all like oh yes it does.
5:00am: A brief reflection that this was another of several exit times I had made up. Oh well.
6:30am: Finally install the new build on some test workstations and try them out. Nothing breaks, but I’m not looking for new problems at this point.
7:00am: Next crisis, have to get another system up and running for some tests. The advantage of the project from hell is that everything else looks pretty trivial by comparison. This one takes 15 minutes.

And so it goes. For the record, it was a Windows app that I wrote about 9 months ago that had a few issues, not the least of which was that a good 5000 lines or so of it was written in “can’t sleep clowns will eat me” mode. I am now the king of what not to do. The sad part is that I’ve got physio this morning, so I need to stick around. I figure I’ll either be really tense or really relaxed.

I think I was sensing my impending doom yesterday when I went to the local bookstore. I was looking for a copy of I was a Teenage Dominatrix because Josh said some nice things about it, but they didn’t have it. I ended up getting The Immortal Class, which is a memoir or something by a 25 year old bike messenger. I really have to stop buying books about other careers. Nothing against the author, but I’m hoping it’s filled with stories of being hit by big cars and other fun tales designed to keep me from having a quarter life crisis and dropping everything for a more physical (and much lower paying) job.

On the bright side, my job doesn’t really have a dress code. Sure, generally we don’t wear shorts, but it’s pretty casual aside from that. On the way back from the bookstore I saw a restaurant with a sign that said “casual dress code enforced”. What the hell does that mean? Can you get kicked out for wearing a suit? Is the code just enforced when they feel like it? If I ever open a bar, the sign at the door will have explicit instructions of what to wear if you want in, possibly complete with home-study guides that would change every alternate Tuesday. I never know how to dress for any event or occasion…

Well, I’m at the point in the fatigue-o-graph where the room shifts in time with my pulse. If they paid me overtime, I could buy drugs for the same effect, but they don’t, so I don’t, and somehow, that’s win-win.

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