The newsletter is almost done!

…Which is fortunate, because I’ve spent the past 80 or so hours at CSS university, also known as the uncomfortable chair in front of my computer. Hey, it beats doing my taxes. I’ve been working on AngelA’s web site, which should go up in a day or two. I’m starting to get the hang of CSS, it’s actually at the point where I can do something useful to multiple pages at once now, which is nice. I ended up getting rid of all the tables that I put in at one point, and I can successfully view the site in three major browsers, so that’s exciting. Here’s a fun concept – if your resume says you know CSS, shouldn’t you consider doing your resume with it? Yeah, I was trying to steal some examples, but no luck… Now if I could only find the time to do something with this site instead of working on everyone else’s.

I did spend a few minutes in a used bookstore this weekend. I go to the BMV at Yonge & Eglinton and the one at Yonge & Edward. The Northern one has the books organized by last name of the author, but they don’t go deeper than the first letter, while the downtown one has everything fully alphabetized. No fun at all if you’re looking for a particular author – 3 seconds is all it takes to find out there’s nothing new, when you could be scanning the same shelf 3 times and finding 5 interesting books that you’ve never heard of. That’s how it happens anyway, and now I’m well read, at least on 2 or 3 letters.

I also stumbled across this book, which needs a joke, but I’m too tired. Talk amongst yourselves…

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