Dammit Shawn, you’ve got me linking to a Dave Barry column. I don’t know why that’s a problem, but it’s bugging me something fierce. It’s for a good cause though: Thursday September 19 is Talk Like a Pirate Day, and you know you want to take part in that.
I don’t watch tennis, so it’s hard for me not to strongly dislike Andre Agassi. Just try to search for vegan news whenever a big tennis match (meet? tournament? group hug?) is going on. “The Las Vegan did something” is all you find. Is this a good or a bad time to wear a vegan shirt?
“Yes, I will teach you to play tennis as a (las) vegan. First we must eat.”
“Master, we’ve been eating tofu for days. When will you teach me to be as the Las Vegan?”
“Ha ha ha. I already have.”
Or something.
Do you think it’s possible to deep fry alcohol? All Google’s telling me is that it might be bad for my acne.
“never ever ask me to write something for you. and don’t pay me. i’d rather take £400 quid for assassinating a crack whore’s only child in a revenge killing for a busted drug deal – my integrity would be less compromised.” Damn, I want to be an editor now! That poorly capitalized blurb was part of a much larger rant over at The Guardian. Another great link hand stolen from the Fimoculous library. I really should have a direct link on my sidebar, but then why would you come here?
Gotta run – somehow I have to look pretty in about 10 hours.