Up the packaging costs

Does anyone even rememeber the game SimCity? I thought it was just one of those things that people knew, but someone had to remind me that it’s over 10 years old, so here’s a primer. You build a city. If you do it well, it grows. Actually, it pretty much always grows. Anyway, the cool part of the game was the disasters that would show up every once in a while. Earthquakes, tidal waves, even Godzilla would visit your metropolis from time to time. Alright, it was kind of cool. The really cool part was how the disasters were available on the menu. That’s right, you could pound the crap out of your creation and rebuild, if you were so inclined.

I was, and in many ways, I think I still am.

This thought came to me as I was eating a bag of chips after going to the gym.

In other news, I was really happy to see this interview online. I read the print version several years ago, and it’s still that perfect mix of funny and sad. A sample question: “How many times have you see The Little Mermaid? About 150. I’ve seen each TV episode quite a few times, too“. Yeeha!

That possible cold I mentioned a while ago seems to be just allergies. If I start to feel sick again, I’m going to sign up for Swedish lessons, because people who speak Swedish are healthier. I wonder if a Swedish accent would be enough for simple diseases? When Hollywood finally starts listening to me, I’m going to get a hospital drama going where everyone has a Swedish accent, but they’ll all be Asian, just to make sure people understand that this is not a bad cultural import. Well yeah, it would be a bad cultural import, what with me not being American, but I meant that in the sense that I’m North American.

This would certainly count as a segue if you read the source. I can’t bring myself to use the i tag for italics in HTML. It’s always em. Don’t know why, it just works that way in my brain. Once in awhile I give it a try, but it never takes.

Moving to the world of work, it’s no fun, that work thing. I actually saw a job posting for a CTI job today, which I don’t see very often, but it’s at a company where a colleague got a job a while ago. He gets to fly home on the weekends. No fun. Why can’t telecom workers telecommute? I have the feeling that I’ll be at my current job for a while, which is good from a “I get to go home most evenings” perspective, but it’s been six years… I’d consider posting my resume as a “hey, you never know” thing, but that’s where adopting a name like “Herman Thrust” doesn’t work out so well… Or having a website with the word “porn” in it. Hmmm, www.seriousprofessionalblog.com? Nah…

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