All things considered, yesterday morning’s install went ok. “All things” balances out the fact that I got about 3 hours of sleep with the lack of problem reports awaiting me this morning. Granted, I might have gone out partying Saturday night and ended up with 3 hours of sleep and a hangover, but at least I would have had fun doing it. I also discovered that the morning of a late night implementation is a bad time to return to the gym.
I managed to spend a good chunk of yesterday working on a new site design for the much neglected Thrust Labs. It would have worked well with Moveable Type, and I haven’t upgraded since the initial install on HT, but their site says a new version is coming out later this month. Rather than do an upgrade, I find myself waiting for the next release… and thinking about developing content management tools. No good will come of this.
We decided to relax last night and watch a movie. Unfortunately, the movie was Harry Potter. I don’t know how I made it to the end, but the fact that I actually sat through the whole thing is more a testament to my stubborn nature than to the film’s merits. If the guy’s some kind of wizard, shouldn’t he, I don’t know, do some magic? Sure, he flew around on a broom, but I got the impression that you bought the broom with flying ability already installed. I also know why wizards have long grey beards: everything takes a damned long time to do. How much money did this thing make? Sweet crap. Also, I was particularly upset about the conspicuous absence of ninjas. This might have been due to the ninja’s reknowned stealth techniques, but I think they just knew to stay the hell away.
I don’t watch a lot of Star Trek, so I reckon they’re adopting the mantra “If Thrust won’t come to Trek…” – Trek-Style Badges. Does anyone work somewhere that uses transponders so people can see where you are? They were starting to make the news when I was in school (someone dials your extension and the phone nearest you rings, for example), but they seem to have faded away. Possibly something about the desire to have the illusion of freedom in the workplace. I’m sure that the radioactive tattoos will make it all ok.
There are virtually no activities planned for this week. Ok, there might be trip to see a baseball game, but I don’t think that counts as an activity, especially when the stadium is next door. I’ve only seen a game once in my life, and I was grateful for the JumboTron thingy. Not because I was far from the field; just because the Olympics were on and they kept announcing medal winners, so I had something to watch. Assuming we go, I’ll let you know if my opinion of the sport changes.