The powers that be at work have blocked web access to my main email account. In other unrelated news, I got a lot of stuff done today. Of course, by “work” I mean I started converting one of our Windows apps to DHTML, which isn’t that much different from what I do in my “spare time”, so either my job has become ideal or I need to get new hobbies. In my defense, I’m letting my thumb heal up for some more Tony Hawk.
The trip home yesterday went alright, and ever since I discovered that having a credit card that waives collision damage on rental cars means you actually don’t have to pay a cent if you break the car, driving’s been more fun. Toronto has these streetcar tracks that they don’t want you to drive on, so they put these concrete barriers in the way. The barriers aren’t that high, but if you’re considering driving over one, please don’t. Your car will make a funny noise that’s quite possibly the aural representation of the word “break”. It turns out I didn’t actually break anything, which almost makes me want to do it again, but I think “luck” may have been a factor.
Lots of weird dreams last night. Mia, if you’re reading this, I dreamt that you didn’t go anywhere and you’ve just been hiding in your room these past few months. If there’s something you’d like to share with the rest of the class but can’t find a non-awkward opening, there you go. Plus it will make me psychic. It will also raise the chances that government agents are in fact taking my neighbours away and that my home is filled with ice, but psychics can’t pick and choose their visions, I guess.
My Palm Pilot problem has been resolved. I still have the problem where they’re not called “Palm Pilot”s anymore, but “palm problems” sound like something very different. Anyway, if you recall, half the screen died, and work doesn’t support USB yet, which means I can’t get a new Palm and download my calendar. After taking the thing apart without even breaking anything, I managed to find the problem – some loose wire somewhere. Unfortunately, the wire was hidden somewhere in the display that I couldn’t open, but I found that holding the ribbon cable in a certain position would wedge it in place. For once, the solution was not duct tape, but rather Kleenex brand facial tissue. I stuffed the case with them, preventing anything from moving, put everything back together, and it seems to be working now. Ironically, if I’d stuffed the thing full of Kleenex brand facial tissue back when I first bought the thing, I probably wouldn’t have had as much trouble after dropping it. Anyway, that’s four years of university paying for itself all over again.
We’re going to see The Ring tonight. We were going to wait until next week, but then I went to Penny Arcade and saw their comic about it and the accompanying review. From said review:
“Our kitchen light is out, and I’d have to walk through the kitchen to get to bed, and it occurred to me that to walk through the darkness there even for a moment amounted to suicide. Fair enough. Looks like I’m sleeping in the living room. With all the lights on … I never did get any sleep, which brought about the miserable and exceedingly moist cold I’m nursing now. I still haven’t recovered completely from the movie, I’m still frightened, and when I hear something behind me I wonder if I should turn around and look at it, or just close my eyes and hope it’s over soon.”
I can’t wait! Actually, yes I can. I don’t like scary movies. Except that I really do. This will be actual fun.