Young and warm and wild and free

Ok, copyright issues are on my mind. Specifically, exactly what rights do I have when I purchase a software product? I checked out Adobe’s 10 facts abut piracy, and it’s confusing stuff! Rule two is that you can’t burn a copy onto a CD, but rule three says that you can’t use a backup copy unless the original is destroyed, which is tricky, since you couldn’t make the backup in the first place. I’ve got this vision of lawyers piled upon lawyers, and they’re all gnawing on legs, but they don’t even know if it’s their own legs. It’s just like that.

The question that started all of this was whether or not it was legal for me to load software on two machines if I’m the only one who would be using it, even if there’s only one license. Taking it further, I was wondering if it was legal to do this if I only ran a single instance of the software at any time. Taking it further than that, I wondered if I had to uninstall and reinstall the software every time I wanted to stare at a different wall. Taking it further than that, I wondered if I really had to uninstall the software, because according to Heisenberg or Schroedinger or someone if I don’t access the software, there’s a 50% chance it’s not really there. Taking it further than that, I wanted to see if I could get called into court just so I could spend days deriving physics formulas from my not so distant youth. Nothing spurs an education like a skull crushing lawsuit, I always say.

Incidentally, you’re all granted a license to read this, print it out, and tape it to your boss’ back when he/she’s not looking.

In case you missed the comment a few posts ago, congratulations to Joseph for figuring out the secret puzzle letters. In case anyone else figured it out but was too polite to say so, congratulations to you too.

Why do credit card companies ever worry about how much things cost? They could have the hugest advertising campaigns and make their cards out of real gold, it’s not like they have to pay cash for anything. Then they could do that trick where they pay the balance of one card with another card, but it’d never stop, because they could just keep making new cards. Apparently, this is why I’m not a vice president, or possibly why I’m bitter about missing the dot com boat. You choose.

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